Child Support

Child Support Lawyers

At Tsai Law Company, our Child Support Lawyers in Washington state have decades of family law experience improving child support payments for our clients. We can help you take action today. There are many solutions available to recover child support payments. Your former spouse may have wages garnished, liens places, property seized, tax refunds witheld, and even have funds withdrawn from retirement accounts.

We can assist you with your questions regarding the calculation of support payments, deviation of child support, and child support enforcement.

Child Support is the amount of money paid by both parents to support your children in a divorce, legal separation or paternity matter. The provisions governing support are codified in RCW 26.19. Both parents have a duty to provide financial support to your children. Child Support is paid by the non primary residential parent (non custodial parent) to the primary residential parent (custodial parent).

The legislature has determined a schedule and amount of support based on combined monthly net incomes. Each parents' child support obligation or “standard calculation” is determined pursuant to the child support schedule in proportion to their net monthly income. However, only the non primary or non custodial parent transfers money to the primary or custodial parent on a monthly basis.








child support in washington

The Legislature recently passed into law a new schedule and child support law with provisions effective October 1, 2009. Pursuant to Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1794, there are substantial changes to the support schedule. For example, the combined monthly income cap has been increased to $12,000 rather than $7,000 prior to the new legislation. There have also been changes to how overtime or income from second jobs are treated for purposes of child support. Additionally, changes regarding the imputation of income to a parent have been completely revamped with a priority of facts required to be considered by the Court.





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